Kathy Price is the founder and director of an all-volunteer organization called Mission of Love. It is the single largest user of the Denton Program, which uses military cargo planes to ship disaster relief, medical and educational supplies, and building supplies. These supplies are shipped for free all over the world, to developing countries. Kathy’s mission is to help children and families living in poverty who are living in destitute situations. She has built hospitals, schools, orphanages and hospices for indigenous people in Guatemala; Mexico; Pine Ridge, SD; and in other countries. She is an angel walking among us.
Her motto is “Know that we are not here to save the world but in this world to touch the hands and hearts that are within our reach.” She has helped communities devastated by tornadoes, hurricanes, earthquakes, flooding, volcanoes and famine. She is truly one of the most selfless people I have encountered in my life, and she is a mentor and teacher. Kathy attracts donations of food, money, supplies, and the services of doctors and nurses who travel to give free cleft lip and palate surgeries. She is tireless and selfless, and an inspiration to all who know her.
Support Kathy Price and her vision at www.missionoflove.org

Luana has worked as a designer and artist in the garment and textile industries since 1981. She is the co-owner of eQuilter.com, and is a Bernina Ambassador. eQuilter donates 2% of sales to charity, which now totals over $1.6 million. Mission of Love has been a recipient of donated funds for 19 years. Mission of Love has also helped to distribute the 14,000 donated comfort quilts through eQuilter, for disaster relief, medical patients, and orphanages. Luana’s work has been exhibited at the United Nations in Geneva, the US Embassy in Rome, and Library of Congress in Washington, DC. www.eQuilter.com