Firefighters are ready at a moment’s notice to jump into action, working to contain fires that range in size and location. When the alarm sounds, they answer the call, no matter the weather or time of day. From local volunteer firefighters to professional fire jumpers, they are trained to handle different types of fires, arriving at the front lines to drive the flames back and protect the community.
One spark can change things in an instant as it ignites into a blazing inferno. Watching reports of the wildfires in California, the power and speed was heart wrenching as winds carried the fires into populated areas and deep into forests. Pictures of walls of fire consuming everything in its path, leaving behind charred foundations and trees; exhausted crews taking a break until the next shift, resting wherever they could; communities supporting the crews with meals and a simple thank you. Firefighters move into the area, assessing wind speed and direction, planning how to fight what is around them. Battling with nature to contain the flames, working with their team to vanquish an angry inferno. Thank the firefighters who put their lives on the line every single day.

Judi H. Bastion is a lifelong learner, pursuing her education and building her design, quilting, and photography skills. She first learned how to quilt from Marsha McCloskey in Seattle, Washington in 1985, first learning quilting basics, then developing her style. Her work has appeared in the National Quilt Museum (Paducah, KY), New England Quilt Museum (Lowell, MA), and Rocky Mountain Quilt Museum (Golden, CO). Her work has been purchased by the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA), Wrangler, and private individuals. Judi is a life member of Maine Quilts, past President of Gate City Quilt Guild, and member of PAQA-South and SAQA. She is now retired and works in her studio full time. She earned her B.S. in Theatre, with a minor in French and an M.A. in Arts Administration. She also has graduate certificates in K-12 Education, Paralegal Studies, and Healthcare Analytics.