I was staying at a hotel in Nebraska, on an upper level floor. I called for the elevator, and when the door opened, there she was. A housekeeper with her vacuum. She was magnificent!! She wore a beautiful scarf around her hair. I excitedly asked if I could snap a couple of photos, explaining that I am an artist. She smiled shyly and agreed.
I appreciate service people, who often do jobs that I don’t want to do. I enjoy seeing folks who make the best of their job, even though it is considered a low level position. The custodian who sings as he sweeps the school hallway. The garbage pickup guy who hops off and on the truck to empty our trash. The waitress who patiently and efficiently takes orders, brings heavy trays of food and drinks, and clears it all away. The hairdresser who massages my head in the shampoo bowl, and takes care of my hair maintenance needs while on her feet all day. The gardener who pulls weeds, trims and mows in 90 degree heat. These are my heroes. I let them know that I appreciate their valuable contributions to my comfortable life.
Tip well. Help make their job easier by your actions. Show your appreciation.

A great day for me is one in which I can play with my collection of thrift store shirts, skirts, pants and dresses, cutting the fabrics and arranging scenes onto batting for a new art quilt. My art quilts reflect my delight in pattern, contrast and variety. I enjoy raw edge hand appliqué, collaged pieces made with repurposed fabrics. I am fascinated by human figures and faces. Many of my quilts tell personal stories of family and experiences. As a retired art teacher, I am thrilled to commit time to exploring my own art expressions. www.kquilt.com