“No Respite in the Wildlands” is dedicated to the Wildlands Firefighters best known as Hotshots. These individuals combine a dedication to grueling physical training and exertion with personal risk and life-threatening exposure protecting our communities and wildlands. As a third generation Arizonian, the sacrifice that the Granite Mountain Hotshot group provided in 2013 defending the Yarnell Hill Fire, at the cost of 19 lives is a vivid and aching memory of just how much these individuals risk for the greater good of our communities.
This is a simple annual listing of the fatalities associated with wildland firefighting but it starkly points to the increased risk that these individuals face as part of their “day job.” As global warming and increased population spread adds fuel to this fire, we will continue to see a rise in the fatality count. What can each community do to help reduce the risk?
This is a simple annual listing of the fatalities associated with wildland firefighting but it starkly points to the increased risk that these individuals face as part of their “day job.” As global warming and increased population spread adds fuel to this fire, we will continue to see a rise in the fatality count. What can each community do to help reduce the risk?

Mary Beth Bellah is an artist whose work continues to challenge the traditional understanding of what constitutes a quilt. Exhibiting widely in both national and international juried/invitational exhibits her work frequently involves a unique combination of cotton, wire, recycled elements and thread which may be free standing or wall mounted. Exhibits have included invited work at Ely Cathedral in Cambrigeshire, UK and Llangollen North Wales; Quilt National 2007 (OH) and Material’s Hard & Soft (TX). www.marybethbellah.com