I chose to honor the heroes of the coral reefs. I want to specifically, make reference to the men and women who came together to create the movie “Chasing Coral,” which creativity documents the wondrous beauty of the coral reefs, and the tragic transformation they are encountering around the world. The coral reef experts in the movie specifically communicate how the warming of the ocean is killing the coral animal. This is known as coral bleaching.
“Chasing Coral” was created by using time-lapse photography taken by divers who daily swam to the reefs and documented its changes. The group’s purpose was to enlighten humanity to danger that our oceans are in. The movie was created to educate, innovation, and find solutions to help the reefs thrive. They invite us to participate in ways that are helpful to the reefs, and are one of many groups who believe that if each one of us does our part we can help have a hand in saving the coral reefs, and the future of the world.
The movie Chasing Coral by Exposure Lab Production can be found on Netflix. You can help by watching it, and then sharing it with others. If you are interested in other ways to help or get involved with these heroes please go to www.chasingcoral.com

Artist Ana Sumner has throughout her life resonated with art, fibers and storytelling. She has combined all three to create art expressing the wonders of the earth. Her love affair with fiber art began in 2004 with a crazy quilting class that sparked within her a passion to express nature’s beauty. To create art, she uses a variety of techniques. Painting, drawing, free motion drawing, and appliqué. Then she embellishes by either quilting or hand stitching using embroidery stitches, specialty threads, and beads. She finds it challenging to explore the ways fibers can represents what she sees. www.sewuniqueart.com